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Men's Ice Blue Regular Fit Washed Jeans Stretchable
55% Off
MRP ₹1,799
Inclusive of all TaxesLowest price in last 30 days
Key Highlights
Product Description
Manufacture, Care and Fit
This regular fit jeans for men is made from high-quality denim. It is affordable and is designed to provide the utmost comfort with durability. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, it has a Button & Zipper Fly closure. You can wear it for for both casual and formal occasions. Pair this stylish jeans for men with a light-shade shirt or t-shirt to complete the dapper look.
Shipping & Delivery Policy
Express delivery
1-2 Days Dispatch
We dispatch orders within 1-2 days.
2-5 Days Delivery
We usually deliver in 2-5 working days depending on your location.
Metros 2-3 days
Rest of India 3-5 days
Free shipping on all orders
15 Days Returns & Exchange
Know about return & exchange policy
- We have a quick and hassle-free return or exchange policy of 15 days, within which any items purchased can be returned or exchanged in unused condition, in the original state with all tags and labels.
- If you choose to return the product, refund will be issued either in the form of Urbano Credits which can be used to shop on the website or amount will be credited to the payment method used by the customer.
Reviews 3.9/5
Based on 75 customer reviews
Reviews 3.9/5
Based on 75 customer reviews