Urbano Fashion Men's Casual, Formal Brown Genuine Leather Wallet-8 Card Slots
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Product Description
Manufacture, Care and Fit
We at Urbano Fashion are a team of leather determined to make high-quality premium leather products that are hand-made with passion. We strive to make sure that our products boast elegance and authenticity without compromising on paragon dimensions. To serve our customers’ best interests, we only use Genuine Leather imported from different parts of the world and processed in-house in our Tannery from Raw Hides to finished leather sheets. The finished sheets are then hand-crafted into the final products by our passionate craftsmen using robust stitchery so that our products can endure your daily hustle. Our motto is to make luxury affordable and provide our customers with prime leather products at reasonable rates.
Shipping & Delivery Policy
Express delivery
1-2 Days Dispatch
We dispatch orders within 1-2 days.
2-5 Days Delivery
We usually deliver in 2-5 working days depending on your location.
Metros 2-3 days
Rest of India 3-5 days
Free shipping on all orders
15 Days Returns & Exchange
Know about return & exchange policy
- We have a quick and hassle-free return or exchange policy of 15 days, within which any items purchased can be returned or exchanged in unused condition, in the original state with all tags and labels.
- If you choose to return the product, refund will be issued either in the form of Urbano Credits which can be used to shop on the website or amount will be credited to the payment method used by the customer.
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